A Prayer for Rest in the Midst of Weariness

We begin our days with weary eyes and exhausted muscles. We long to ignore the chattering noise that wakes us. As we slump out of bed, Lord, remind us that your mercies are new every morning-Great is Your faithfulness!
When our souls are tattered by anxiety and stress from all the responsibility, all the weight of the precious ones we care for, all the balls we’re juggling in the air, Lord remind us that your grace is sufficient in all things and your power is perfected in our weakness. We bring our weakness to your throne today and leave it at your feet.
Give us the wisdom to know which balls we can allow to drop today. Remind us that you will catch them. They will not break in your hands. Erase the shame we associate with failing to keep them swirling in the air in perfect unison.
As we go through our day, fueled on coffee and grace, remind us that our worth is not in what we do, but in what Jesus has done for us. When the lies of the enemy seek to destroy our already weary souls, we ask that you instead destroy the lies. Let us not forget who we are and to whom we belong.
Remind us to slow down-even if for just a quick minute-and soak in your glory. Help us remember your yoke is easy and your burden is light and our souls find rest in you alone.
Let us not run around in chaos, but direct our steps to live purposefully. When we find ourselves in chaos, let us remember your mercy. Remind us that weariness and stress do not define us, your beloved children.
When plans fall apart, fill our hearts with laughter. When our children disappoint, fill our hearts with love and patience. When others seek to hurt us, fill our hearts with the great mercy you’ve shown us. Teach us to love out of our weakness and weariness in your strength.
Help us to rely on community when we need it. Provide for us others to carry our hope when we can no longer hope, to carry our strength when we are weak, and to carry our energy
when we are lying on the floor.
When the day is nearly done and we feel like we just cannot give anymore to anyone else, give us the strength to continue-or give us the wisdom to know when to say no.
Let our evenings be filled with quiet rest for our souls. Let our nights be filled restful sleep.
Let us lose ourselves in you until the weariness passes.
When we rise again, rested and strengthened. Help us to be strength to others who are worn out.
Most importantly, let us know you deeper each day, so that our souls know how to rest in your strong arms-until it becomes second nature to us.
We are worn out, but you never sleep. Your strength is unending and your grace abundant. Give rest to our weary souls, oh Lord.
Learn how to meditate prayerfully on scripture and find rest for your soul. Sign Up to receive my free guide, "5 Ways to Slow Down and Experience God in the Everyday. It includes five suggestions for walking with God in the daily and grace-filled challenges to help you develop the habit. All of my free printables are included when you sign up.
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