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How do we care for our souls in the midst of ministry?


We are used to caring for the souls of others-so much that we often neglect our own. When we neglect our own souls, our ministry suffers.


This space is for anyone in ministry who longs to nurture their soul and thrive in a deep intimacy with Christ. Whether your soul is full and peaceful or tattered and weary you are welcome here. 


my story

I grew up going to church, but I was never really sure who God is and where I stood with him. I saw him as a giant dictator in the sky who was always looking at me in disgust. I distinctly remember the first doubt entering my heart at the age of 4. When my mom picked me up from Sunday School I asked her, "Is God mean?"


When I was 14 years old, God changed my life by moving into the dark corners of my fearful, doubting heart. He revealed to me that He loved me not because of what I do, but because of what Jesus did for me. Since then, I’ve been learning to walk in grace instead of Law.


I graduated from Appalachian State University with a degree in Journalism. I’ve served on staff with the college ministry of Cru for over 15 years, discipling women, taking the gospel to the lost, and training



students in ministry.


I met my husband, Jeff in 2007 when we were placed on the same Cru staff team. We married in 2009. We are complete opposites, which makes some things difficult and some things easy, but there is no one else with whom I'd rather do life.


Today, I continue to serve on staff with Cru, helping staff learn how to care for their souls and thrive in ministry. After serving in ministry for several years, I watched missionaries struggle to be honest about the storms swirling in their souls. I watched missionaries burn out and quit, struggle with sins they kept secret, struggle with mental health, and even fall away from the faith. I experienced some of these myself. Through all I witnessed and experienced, God gave me a passion to help those in ministry attend to their own souls. God intention in calling us to ministry was never to burn us out from both ends. It is our souls he is most concerned about. 


Alongside ministry, I also homeschool our oldest, who is neuro-atypical. Homeschooling is one of my surprise joys in life.


I am a questioner, a doubter, and a skeptic, but also a recovering good girl.  I've found my faith dangling by a thread and by the immeasurable grace of God, I continue to walk with Him, in His ever-faithful arms. I long to glorify Christ, above all, while being real and honest.

I love deep conversations over warm cups of coffee (or tea), music, reading middle grade fiction, New York City, the UK, and I'm admittedly a bit of a computer game nerd and a lot of a Broadway fangirl.

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